Vine (2013)
Vine (2013)

Vine was founded in mid-2012 by Dom Hofmann, Rus Yusupov, and Colin Kroll.
Vine was acquired by Twitter in October 2012 for a rumored $30 million.
Vine launched in January 2013.
Wait, what? Yes… you read that correctly. Vine was acquired before it ever officially launched.

Arguably the platform that kickstarted "content creators", Vine became famous for allowing users to easily create looping 6 second videos.
The growing cultural phenomenon of following your favorite creators would actually play a hand in the demise of Vine. The platform was notorious for failing to listen to and compensate their top creators (likely because Vine itself was struggling to monetize).
Vine would ultimately shut down on January 17, 2017.
However, that wasn't the end of short-form video. It's now more popular than ever with apps like TikTok and Instagram Reels picking up where Vine left off.
Vine walked so TikTok could run.

Vine was founded in mid-2012 by Dom Hofmann, Rus Yusupov, and Colin Kroll.
Vine was acquired by Twitter in October 2012 for a rumored $30 million.
Vine launched in January 2013.
Wait, what? Yes… you read that correctly. Vine was acquired before it ever officially launched.

Arguably the platform that kickstarted "content creators", Vine became famous for allowing users to easily create looping 6 second videos.
The growing cultural phenomenon of following your favorite creators would actually play a hand in the demise of Vine. The platform was notorious for failing to listen to and compensate their top creators (likely because Vine itself was struggling to monetize).
Vine would ultimately shut down on January 17, 2017.
However, that wasn't the end of short-form video. It's now more popular than ever with apps like TikTok and Instagram Reels picking up where Vine left off.
Vine walked so TikTok could run.